Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Summer

It has officially been one week since I left Saint Mike's and started my summer vacation. Besides making a trip to Stonybrook University to visit friends, not much has happened yet since I was the first one out of all my friends to come home. A lot of my friends were still up at school taking their finals, but most of them are now done and heading home. So basically, this past week has been about unpacking and catching up with friends who are done with school.

Some of my friends and I at Stonybrook.

Since the weather here has been getting warmer, my Dad decided to open up our pool! I actually took a swim in it the other day with my dog Sandy (she loves to swim, just like me). Sandy is literally obsessed with our pool... if one day my family doesn't use the pool, we open it anyway so Sandy can swim. She has a pool ball she plays with and we throw it in the water for her to catch. If we aren't outside and she still wants to play, Sandy places her ball on the water slide which shoots the ball out into the pool. Sandy is also capable of jumping off the diving board and exiting the water both from the steps and the ladder. (Videos of Sandy will be posted sometime this summer).

Since the water was pretty cold, we've had our solar cover on to help warm up the pool.

Sandy waiting for the pool to open.

More posts will be posted as summer vacation progresses! You can also keep up with me through Twitter.