Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Best Prank Ever

Hello All!

I don't know how some people feel about this, but I love to prank people. I enjoy pranking people, especially my friends, because I like to see their reactions and their immediate physical response. I'm definitely not your typical prankster, but every once in a while I like to pull jokes on friends and usually jokes are fired back at me. But last month, I pranked my friend Joe that I think can never be topped. I guess one can say I pulled an ultimate prank... and I couldn't agree more. If some of you are wondering how to pull an ultimate prank like I did... make sure it is TELEVISED.

If you ask any of my friends what I want to do in life, they'll all know to say that I want to be on television. With that, I sometimes like to look at casting calls on MTV for new television shows. I came across a casting call for a new hidden camera show that was shooting in NYC, so I decided to take a look at it. In the description, it was calling all of those who lived near NYC who wanted to prank a friend, sister, cousin, etc. Right after that description I knew I wanted to prank my friend Joe because 1. He is oblivious to everything and 2. He has a great sense of humor. After I had signed him up via email, I didn't expect to hear anything back.

Three days later, I got an email back from the show's Assistant Producer and they were interested in pranking Joe! We were constantly emailing back and forth, finalizing Joe's prank -- sending pictures of the actors, where the prank was located and what time. Out of the two pranks I was offered to play on Joe, I decided to set Joe up on a blind date. Getting Joe to agree to this blind date took some time, but he finally agreed. What Joe did not know though, was that his date was working as a waitress at the restaurant they were eating at.

Through the duration of the prank, there were different levels Joe had to encounter in order to reach the end of the prank and win a prize. I can't tell you how the prank turned out here, because it will be airing on MTV! The show is called Totally Clueless (perfect name, especially since my friend Joe will be on the show) and will be aired in mid-September. I will most likely remind you all who are reading to watch it when I am notified of the day and time of the show.

Congratulations to all of you graduating high school this month... and let the countdown to SMC begin!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Second Job... Well, Kinda

I apologize for not posting these past few days! I started a "second job" this past week and getting used to the schedule is pretty difficult. As I mentioned in my So Long Freshman Year, Hello Summer 2012 post, I wanted to get a second job this summer instead of just working as a pool life-guard. Well, I didn't so much get a second job... I got a job that will keep me working until the pools open for summer- that's when I'll officially be life-guarding. For now, I am working with the pool operators and helping them prepare the pools for Opening Weekend.

The outdoor pools in my area open for summer on Father's Day weekend, so the pool operators clean the pools and prepare them during the end of May for that weekend. As a life-guard, I did not know what these pool operators did, until I started working with them. The pool deck needs to be washed and cleared of all leaves and garbage, the pool liner needs to be scrubbed and rinsed with chemicals to remove dirt from the harsh winter, ladders and railings need to be installed, the pumps need to be checked constantly and the pool needs to be filled. It was a lot of work, especially since there are nine pools with our town.

Work starts at 7am and ends at 3pm, three times a week (I can only work 3 times a week since I'll be working full time as a life-guard). I haven't woken up at 6:15am to get somewhere at 7am since high school... so it has been awhile. I am getting used to the schedule though, which is good.

I am currently sitting in the beautiful weather next to my pool, where my dog Sandy, yes, is swimming. She keeps barking at me to get in with her, so I gotta go! Like I said before, videos of Sandy will be posted throughout the summer! Hope you all had a great Memorial Day Weekend... 'MERICA!

Don't forget... KEEP IN TOUCH!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Summer

It has officially been one week since I left Saint Mike's and started my summer vacation. Besides making a trip to Stonybrook University to visit friends, not much has happened yet since I was the first one out of all my friends to come home. A lot of my friends were still up at school taking their finals, but most of them are now done and heading home. So basically, this past week has been about unpacking and catching up with friends who are done with school.

Some of my friends and I at Stonybrook.

Since the weather here has been getting warmer, my Dad decided to open up our pool! I actually took a swim in it the other day with my dog Sandy (she loves to swim, just like me). Sandy is literally obsessed with our pool... if one day my family doesn't use the pool, we open it anyway so Sandy can swim. She has a pool ball she plays with and we throw it in the water for her to catch. If we aren't outside and she still wants to play, Sandy places her ball on the water slide which shoots the ball out into the pool. Sandy is also capable of jumping off the diving board and exiting the water both from the steps and the ladder. (Videos of Sandy will be posted sometime this summer).

Since the water was pretty cold, we've had our solar cover on to help warm up the pool.

Sandy waiting for the pool to open.

More posts will be posted as summer vacation progresses! You can also keep up with me through Twitter.

Monday, May 7, 2012

So Long Freshman Year, Hello Summer 2012!

Hello all!

Sorry I haven't posted these past few days, but I had to study for my exam AND pack all of my things to go home... which is where I am right now!

I had one final this morning for my Media Revolutions class and I had to hand in my final website for my Digital Media class. My parents arrived on campus shortly after my exam so they could drive me back home (they left home this morning at 6am to get up here around 12pm). They even brought up my dogs to surprise me... but once they got out of the car, they were barking very loud. So I would like to take this moment and apologize to all those who live in the Quad... especially those who were studying.

Packing up the van was actually faster than expected. With a little help from my friends (actually a lot), my car was loaded with all of my things in a matter of 15 minutes and I was all ready to head back to the island! Saying goodbye to all of my friends was hard, but plans are in the making to visit one another over the summer.

Speaking of summer, here are some of my plans:
  • Life-guarding
  • Going to the beach
  • Attempting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • Looking for a second job (I want to make more money!)
  • Swimming/Exercising
  • Small family vacation..? (still working on it)
  • Watch every event of the Summer 2012 Olympics
  • Hang out with friends from home AND college

This is just a rough draft, but I will definitely keep you guys posted on my summer (there is much more than just that list). If you have questions or comments, Keep in Touch!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tick Tock...

As the last few days of classes here at SMC are tick tockin' away, there is just one road block stopping us students from getting started to our summer vacation: finals.

This semester, I am required to write a paper for my Anthropology and Lit. Studies class (due during the last week of classes), create a website for my Digital Media class (due on Tuesday of finals week) and my Media Revolutions class requires a final (set for Monday of finals week). Although I may not have a final in each class like some other students do on campus, there are similar ways to de-stress for finals and have a successful last few days!

1. Before finals week approaches, ask your professor questions! If you didn't understand a topic, your professor will be more than happy to answer your questions. You never know... it may be on the exam!

2. STUDY! We all know that we have to study for finals, but be smart about it.
- Take breaks! (For example, study for 30 minutes and take a 5-7 minute break.)
- Rewrite your notes! Organize your notebook to make studying easier.
- Have a study buddy! Help each other out on topics one doesn't understand... this can help but don't get distracted.
- Noisy in the dorm? Go to the Library! Their hours are flexible during finals week.
- DO NOT waste valuable study time. Get bored? Change subjects, it'll keep your mind moving.

3. Get enough rest. The more relaxed and awake you are during the exam, the more focused you'll be!

4. Eat healthy. Think of what Mom would want you to eat.

5. DO NOT LEAVE STUDYING FOR THE DAY BEFORE. Don't cram the info. into your head, because most likely you won't remember most of the material.

If you stick to a list like this one mentioned above, you should have a stress-free, successful finals week. My high school Physics teacher once told my class this: "Do not study 24 hours before the exam. Eat right and relax that day. You should know the material by then, because if you don't, the last 24 hours will not suffice a full semester's worth of info."

Good luck on finals SMC!

Questions? Send me an Email or send a question through Formspring!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Namaste 5K Fun Run


This past Sunday was the "Namaste 5K Fun Run" hosted by MOVE! This run was organized to help support MOVE International's 10th anniversary trip to Kolkata, India this coming summer. The run was open to anyone, at a price of $15 per participant. All proceeds and donations given to this trip goes straight to the organizations MOVE International works with.

Some of my fellow swimmers and I decided to participate in the run on that cold, cloudy Sunday morning in Vermont. Although our plan to start and finish the race together didn't work out so well (we all take running at different speeds), we all completed the 5K successfully! Although I was not in the best shape and the run may have hurt a little, I am glad to have accomplished my first 5K.

The team before the run:
(Steph, Andrew, Nathan, Victoria, Corine,
Me, Joe, Maddie, Kathleen)

Nathan in front... Steph, myself and
Kathleen trailing behind.

Steph and I mid-run. Cheesin' for Andrea.

Last strides to the finish!

Events like these really make our team closer, and it proves how much we care and support the other groups/teams on campus. If you plan on attending SMC, come join us in the run next year. Not only is it for a great cause, but it can definitely help whip you into shape!

Photos taken by Captain Andrea!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekend Highlights

So this weekend was definitely an eventful one! First off, I had the opportunity of hosting a Swim Recruit who stayed overnight Friday into Saturday. This was my first recruit and I think I did a pretty good job showing him the positives here at St. Mike's. He was recently accepted to SMC, so he was here for the Accepted Students Day on Saturday! We went to the Ross Center to shoot some hoops, went to Alliot to get some lunch and we met up with the Swim Team so my recruit could meet most of the swimmers, who we ended up hanging out with for the rest of the night. We all hope he left here thinking, "I Like St. Mike's"!

I also got a visit from my two good friends back at home, Ryan and Liz. Unlike my recruit, they stayed here the entire weekend so I had to show them much more other then the campus life. During Saturday afternoon, I drove the both of them down to Burlington to show-off Church Street and its wonderful restaurants and stores. We first got some lunch at
Ken's Pizza, then we got ice cream afterwards. They definitely underestimated the Vermont life (coming from New York), but I'm glad I got to show them otherwise!

On Sunday morning, I drove Liz back to the train station so she could get back to UMass Amherst. After our return, Ryan and I, along with my other friends grabbed some breakfast and headed to Doc Jacobs Field to watch our friend play baseball. But we left a little early because we didn't want to miss out on Green Up's Earth Fest! Earth Fest is a fair in which students practice and educate the importance of our nature and environment. There was live music, ice cream from the well-known Ben and Jerry's, and food from local food chains. Green Up has worked hard all year to make this event happen, so it was nice to see everything get put together and finalized.

My eventful weekend ended with a nice game of KanJam with a few friends out in the Quad. If you don't know this game, it's perfectly fine... most of my friends didn't really know about it either. The game
is simple: There are two
cans that are set up about 50 feet apart. Each can has a little hole in front where a frisbee can be thrown into. The object of the game is that you and your partner try to get the frisbee into that hole. Since that is rare, there is a point value. If you hit the can with the frisbee, its 2 points, but if the frisbee hits the can with the help of your partner, its 1 point. The frisbee can be hit into the can by your partner giving you 3 points. If the frisbee happens to get into the can, that is 4 points. There are occasions when someone does get the frisbee into the little hole! If that happens, the game is over! If not, the team who gets to 21 points first wins.

Hope everyone enjoys the hot day tomorrow!
P.S. Perfect day for KanJam

SMC Blogger
(above) cookin' up some
fine hamburgers at Earth Fest!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Surprise!

So this past weekend was our Easter Recess! The students get a 4-day weekend to spend the Easter holiday either at home, with friends, or even on campus. I decided to fly back home to spend the weekend with my family and friends, but I also added a little surprise.

Our break began after our last class on Thursday, April 5th. When I told my Mom this, she was upset because I would be missing her birthday which happened to be the day before on April 4th. I told her I couldn't afford to miss any of my classes and that I would celebrate her birthday when I got back later that night on Thursday. When I realized that one of my classes was cancelled that Thursday and that I could make up the rest of my work when I got back from break, I decided to fly home Wednesday morning and surprise my Mom for her birthday!

I immediately called my Dad and told him about my plan and he thought it was a great idea. I bought my plane ticket for Wednesday morning at 6am so I could make it home before my Mom woke up. Since the Burlington International Airport is literally 3-5 minutes away from campus, I was able to get a friend to drive me that morning (mind you it was 5:00am!) My Dad picked me up at JFK Airport back on Long Island and when I got home I woke up my Mom who was pleasantly surprised! My sister came home from school as well and we went to a nice dinner at a Mexican Grill called Mangoes.

Me (Aidan), Mom, and Briana (sister)

As you can see, I posted a picture of my sister, my mom, and myself after our Mexican-styled dinner. Can you tell that the photo seems more clear and professional compared to a normal picture taken on a cell phone? Well, while on break I discovered a new app on the iPhone called Instagram. With this app, you can take photos on your cell phone and apply filters to make your photo seem more, well, professional. Also, after editing your pictures, you can share them with friends who follow you. I know this app may have been out for a while now, but I am a little behind on whats "in" in the iPhone world (I got an iPhone for my birthday after Christmas in December.) Here are some photos I have taken so far:

My dog Bella

My other dog Sandy

Colored Easter eggs

Bunny Tower (Jenga, but Easter version!)

I'm guessing Instagram will soon be a top hit, now that Facebook bought it for $1 billion dollars. Try it out!

Questions? Don't forget you can ask me anonymously through Formspring or send me an Email

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Free Cone Day!

FREE CONE DAY! Never heard of it? Well, neither have I... until this past Tuesday!

So April 3rd, 2012 was Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day! Ben and Jerry's happily gave away their ice cream on Tuesday as a way to say "Thanks!" to their customers and to celebrate over 3 decades of successful ice cream making! Me and a few friends decided to drive down into Burlington to take advantage and enjoy the free ice cream!

Take a look at the pictures I took there...

"Peace, Love & Ice Cream"- (Bracelet modeled by
my friend Andrea) Won this by answering
a B & J's trivia question!

The line was super long...

But we beat the crowd! (The line went all
the way back and around the corner.)

Me with my Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl
cone (Highly recommended.)

Mike, Victoria, Andrea and Nick on Church
Street enjoying their Free Cones!

Tori and Andrea as Choco Chip
Cookie Dough

As soon as we got our ice cream, we found out Ben and Jerry's had made a stop to St. Mike's to hand out the free ice cream in the Quad! Either way, we still got to enjoy our ice cream on a beautiful Vermont day.

Ben and Jerry's Fun Fact (and the answer to my trivia question): Ben and Jerry's was established in 1978... right here in Burlington!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Why SMC?

First blog post!

So, why not make my very first post about why I decided to come all the way up here to SMC in Vermont? Well to be honest, I never heard of Saint Michael's College until I received the Saint Michael's College Book Award through my high school as a junior. It was a scholarship given to one junior based on their leadership and service qualities. Since my original plan was to attend a school no more than 4 hours away, applying to SMC was just a "back-up".

Being that my sister is the oldest child, my Dad had never been through the college process before. Nervous that she wouldn't have a lot of options, my Dad had her apply to 21 schools! (She broke my high school's record for most college applications.) Since I went with Briana on most of her college visits and my Dad realized that 21 schools was more than enough options, I applied to 14 institutions (not that 14 is any better than 21).

After the application process, I waited for the letters to come filing in the mail. One letter, though, stood out to me like a sore thumb. It was a purple envelope with a golden seal. I wondered which college could have sent something this fancy. Opening my acceptance letter to SMC was like opening a Wonka Bar with a golden ticket inside. I didn't expect to have this feeling when getting accepted into my "back-up" school. As the other letters came in, I just didn't have that same feeling, except for one other school: Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York.

The next step was to visit the campuses. When I visited Le Moyne, I instantly loved the campus. I even said to my Dad, "You know that feeling you get when your at the right college? I got the feeling here" (he still jokes about it with me till this day). My Dad told me to still keep my options open, since I still had to visit SMC. When I visited SMC and had my recruit trip for the Swim Team, just like Le Moyne, I instantly loved the campus. Unlike Le Moyne, though, I also loved the community atmosphere. Everyone was so nice, and I even enjoyed the smaller campus.

A few weeks after both my trips to Le Moyne and St. Mike's, I sent in my deposit to SMC. Yes, Le Moyne was nice, but St. Mike's was simply irresistible. They have so much to offer academically and socially, and Church Street in Burlington is just a short 5 minute bus/car ride. Being up here, I even tried Ben & Jerry's ice cream for the first time! My experiences at Saint Michael's College have been memorable, and I cannot wait to spend the next 3 years here!